Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:35 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
21st Century Breakdown
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59 KB
I've got a rea lly bad di sease it's got me beg gin on my hands a nd knees so take me to e mer gen- cy cause som thing seems to be miss ing some bo dy take the pain a way It's like an ul cer bleed ing in m y brain so send me to the phar ma- cy so I can lose my me mor ry I'm e la ted- me di cat ed- lord knows I've tried to find a way to run a way I think they found a no ther cure for bro ken hearts and feel ing in se- cure you'd be su prised what I've en- dured what makes you feel so self a ssured? I need to find a place to hide you ne ver know what could be wait ing out side the acc i dents that you co uld find it's like some kind of su i cide so what ails yo u's what im pails yo u I feel like I've been cru ci fied to be sat is fied I'm a vict im- of my symp tom- I am my own worst e ne my- your a vic tim- of your symp tom- you are your own worst e ne my know your e ne my I'm e la ted- me di ca ted- I am my own worst en e my- so what ails yo u's what im pail's you- you are your won worst e ne my- you're a vi ctim- of the sys tem- you are your own worst e ne my- you're a vi ctim- of the sys tem- you are your own worst e ne my-